
World Pinball Rankings

Thu Feb 2 07:49:51 EST 2006

Josh Sharpe has been busy putting together a list of pinball players ranked by their performance in tournaments of recent years. He posted the initial list to r.g.p. recently.

Right now, I’m ranked #35. Not bad. However, there are plenty of better players with lower rankings, I think. I had a good 2005 which helped.

RSS feed now available

Wed Feb 1 21:36:12 EST 2006

With nothing better to do tonight, I decided to add RSS capability to my website. You can now subscribe to these messages at http://www.oddchange.com/rss.xml. Firefox users should see an orange icon in the lower right.

It took less than an hour to add it, and it seems to be working OK. Let me know if you find it broken on your end.

The forgotten pricing games

Wed Feb 1 21:25:10 EST 2006

OK, so for those curious to know how I did in the TPIR guessing game mentioned a few days ago…

The three current games that I couldn’t think of were Freeze FrameCover Up, and Line ‘Em Up. Cover Up is particularly embarrassing, as they play it all the time and we had some discussion about strategy on that one at the Puzzle Palace not long ago.

The three older games I forgot were Time is MoneyFinish Line, and Mystery Price. I don’t feel too bad about those.

Name That Pricing Game

Mon Jan 30 21:43:48 EST 2006

I challenged myself tonight to name as many “Price Is Right” pricing games as possible from memory. After about 20 minutes, I gave up after naming 91 of them — eight shy of the total number. Trip played along too and came up with 75.

If you want to try it yourself, go to Wikipedia once you’re done; the entire list is available with detailed descriptions of each. It’s scary how many of the older games sprung to mind. It was also interesting seeing how I organized all of the information — which games led me to thinking of other games.

Sundance photos now posted

Sun Jan 29 15:12:54 EST 2006

I finally uploaded all of the other Sundance photos I took. View them here. There’s a permanent link in the lower left corner of the main page, too.

Also, I grabbed all of Al’s pics from Snapfish and put them here.

We’re slowly coming back down to reality after last weekend’s rush. Ya know, like having to pay for our own drinks and not having free stuff given to us left and right. Real life sucks.